
Our weekly Cyber Flash Briefing round up of top open source news and ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ videos

The 31 of March is World Backup Day, Yes, there is a ‘day’ for everything now. Take a few minutes on this one, though

Making, and safeguarding, a regular backup copy of your systems is an essential part of making your business more resilient when it is attacked. But backups only work if they are done correctly.

The numbers of firms falling victims to attack are rising, with 75% of UK businesses experienced a cyber incident last year, and with ransomware attacks having jumped 73%.

Cyber attackers go for the jugular, by targeting and destroying your backup; this pins you into a corner and forces you to pay a ransom to get your data back since you have no other options. That’s why immutable backups offer a powerful solution: by design, they cannot be altered or deleted by the attacker.

Equally, you need to check that you really can recover your systems from your backup when the time comes. This is not just about recovering one single file that you accidentally deleted; this is about getting enough evidence that you should be able to recover all your priority systems if the worst happens. That assurance comes through testing, and by understanding what the test actually proves.

World Backup Day serves as an annual reminder to perform and test backups, and better protect your data. A key feature is to inform yourself from experts and validate your assumptions. Reach out to us for a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your specific needs and proportionate options.

 How to arrange your call:

  1. Visit our website:

  2. Include the word “Backup.”

  3. We will get back to you shortly.

 Happy World Backup Day