
Our weekly Cyber Flash Briefing round up of top open source news and ‘Cyber Tip Tuesday’ videos

Why you need a CISO - Cyber Tip Tuesday video

Welcome to this week's Black Arrow Cyber Tip Tuesday, this week I'm talking about why firms should think about having a CISO

Information security is a wide and complex subject and it would be wrong for us to pretend otherwise.

There are lots of different specialisms and it takes many years to become an expert, no one is expecting board members to become cyber experts but Boards will need to ensure they have access to expertise in this area.

Ultimately this comes down to being able to pull a lot of things together: Managing risks and controls, taking appropriate steps to secure the technology in use across the organisation, managing the different tools and vendors, managing supply chain risks, dealing with legal and compliance requirements, ensuring users are trained and kept abreast of the latest threat and tactics, monitoring output from whatever detection capability, responding to incidents, spearheading recovery efforts, and a lot more, all the while communicating with the Board in language they understand, aligning security with business goals and objectives and helping the business to grow securely by adopting and adapting to new technologies and new challenges for the business.

Ultimately it is the role of the CISO to provide strategy, leadership and governance to the Board.

If you don’t have this expertise in house you will probably need to get this function in from outside of your organisations.

We can provide a virtual CISO for your organisation, fully scalable depending on your needs, and by employing a corporate CISO you get a whole team’s worth of skills and expertise.

You can give your clients the assurance they need by telling them you appreciate how big a risk cyber threats are, and that in order to address these risks you have unrivalled world class experts from British Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Government, Big-4 Advisory, FTSE100, Global Financial Services and the GFSC, working to protect them, and to keep their data and their assets safe - safeguarding your own data, assets and reputation in the process.