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Black Arrow Cyber Advisory 13/04/2022 – Adobe releases security patches to address various vulnerabilities.

Executive Summary

Adobe has released several security updates deemed as ‘critical’ across their product range to address various vulnerabilities. The affected applications include Adobe Acrobat and Reader which are used by most commercial organisations, along with Photoshop and other products within their range. Some of these vulnerabilities could give a malicious actor access to remote code execution.

What’s the risk to me or my business?

While Adobe has disclosed that they are not aware of these vulnerabilities being currently exploited, it is highly likely that they will a target by malicious actors since products such as Adobe Reader are used by a large percentage of organisations.

What can I do?

Apply the available updates from Adobe as soon as possible for the software products deployed across your organisation, while taking into consideration any potential downtime that these updates may cause.

Technical Summary

The vulnerabilities have been confirmed to affect both Windows and MacOS versions of various Adobe products, including Acrobat, Reader, Photoshop, After Effects, commerce, Magento Open Source, DC. Some of the effects of the vulnerabilities may be mitigated by good security practices, such as limiting end users local privileged access on end points. Further details on the individual vulnerabilities can be found here: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Adobe Products Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution (

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