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Black Arrow Cyber Advisory 30 April 2024 – New Android Malware Disguised as Chrome Update can Steal Your Data and Access Your Banking Information

Executive summary

A new strain of Android mobile malware dubbed “Brokewell” is being used to spread fake browser updates to steal user data. The malware has the ability to overlay banking application screens, capturing credentials without the users knowledge, as well as allowing remote access by an attacker. The malware has also been recorded as using popular ‘buy now, pay later’ service “Klarna” in addition to the fake Google Chrome update. Research indicates that the malware is in active development.

What’s the risk?

Due to the sensitive nature of the information sought by the malware, there is a genuine risk to the confidentiality and integrity of data. Features of the malware include the ability to overlay applications to steal user credentials and allow an attacker remote access, including the commands which record audio, take screenshots, access locations, and send communications from the victim phone.

The list of potential targets is extensive, especially so with many employees using personal devices for corporate purposes, including the storage of corporate credentials. A recent report from Google owned Mandiant found that 10% of intrusions began with evidence of stolen credentials.

What can I do?

It is recommended to employ a multi-layer defence to mitigate the risk of such malware succeeding. This should include only downloading updates from the official application in the Google Play store and enabling Google Play Protect will help to prevent malware. To further bolster defence, it is recommended that anti-virus applications are run in parallel.

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